53-lot subdivision approval granted 1-year extension
Anderson Commons, a 53-lot planned development with 51 residences and one commercial plot, was granted a one-year extension on the subdivision approval by the Village of Red Hook Planning Board Aug. 16.
The development, which received preliminary approval from the village planning board in February, will straddle the village and town border with approximately 8 acres in the village and 40 acres in the town. It would be behind the Chocolate Factory, with connections to existing roads on Fisk St and Glen Ridge Rd.
The development plan originally received conditional approvals back in 2006 and, according to the board and applicant Ken Kearney, the plan remains unchanged. The land and project have changed hands since 2006 when the real estate market turned sour.
The applicant requested the extension to allow time to complete projects he has underway at other locations and to complete the approval process with the town planning board. The project straddles the village/town border and so must pass both planning boards.
Steel structure approved for O’Callaghan Lane
Jacque Donovan of Universal Builders Supply, a construction company with on-site storage on O’Callaghan Lane, between the Red Hook Commons development and Garden Street, asked the village planning board for site plan approval for a steel shed/structure that was constructed without required site plan approvals or building permits “quite a few years” ago, according to Zoning Enforcement Officer Sam Harkins.
The building was brought to the attention of Harkins, who said he visited the site and found the building. The owners were informed they must come in to get site plan approval and a building permit to bring the structure into legal compliance.
The village planning board approved the application without significant comment.
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