Although polls seemed to show Democratic candidate Julian Schreibman closing the gap in the newly redrawn 19th Congressional District, incumbent Chris Gibson, a Republican, notched his first re-election victory and second term in office. As election night returns showed a 53 percent to 47 percent victory for Gibson, Schreibman conceded the race.
“I want to congratulate Congressman Chris Gibson on his victory tonight. I wish him good health, energy, and wisdom to represent all of us in the 19th Congressional District,” Schreibman said in a statement. “While we have differed on many issues, he has served with honor during his time in Congress.”
The race included many vicious attack ads, many by outside groups, especially as polls seemed to show the gap closing between the two men. Schreibman, who was labeled by his opponent as just another NYC lawyer who wanted to raise taxes, went after Gibson’s votes to voucherize Medicare, de-fund Planned Parenthood, repeal ObamaCare and support a Washington, D.C., late-term abortion ban that made no exceptions for victims of rape and incest.
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