Rhinecliff may soon have a grocery store to call its own once again.
Rhinebeck architect Warren Temple Smith appeared before the Town of Rhinebeck planning board on Nov. 19 on behalf of Dick and Jane Enterprises, to discuss a plan to renovate the retail space at 11 Shatzell Ave. for use as a food and grocery store. They are seeking a special use permit and site plan approve.
Those visiting the post office may have already noticed the work going on next door in preparation.
“It was, at various times in the past, a store. I think it was actually a food store at one time – you could buy milk and some groceries.” Smith said. “The thought was to make it a little more ambitious than that, to have, essentially, anything you might need if you’re living in the hamlet…”
The plan, if approved, would allow the store to be open 7 days a week from early morning until early evening.
As far as food, Smith added, there would be “some prepared foods, but mostly food to take away and cook for yourself.” While it would not be a restaurant and there would be no table service, some space would be provided for patrons to sit down and eat if they so chose.
This project will return to the planning board for a public hearing on Jan. 7, at 6:45pm.
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