The Rhinecliff Volunteer Fire Company and Rescue Squad kicked off the new year with the arrival of a new fiery-red firefighting tool.
A new 2012 Firematic Brush Rapid Attack truck, which was delivered Jan. 2, features a 500-gallon water tank and a remote control nozzle that can be operated directly from the cab. It will be used to respond to brush fires and off-road rescues in addition to more standard types of calls.
The new truck purchase is the result of diligent work by the Rhinecliff Fire District Board of Commissioners, with special efforts made by Fire Chief Rich Kipp, Bill Cotting, and Jeff Hicks.
In a fire company news release, Kipp said, “This truck will allow us to continue to provide quality services to areas that are normally hard to reach.”
The new truck replaces a 28-year old utility truck that will be put out to bid in the coming months. The truck was paid for through a combination of fund-raising by the Rhinecliff Volunteer Fire Company and the Equipment Reserve Funds provided by the Rhinecliff Fire District.
The company also swore in new officers at its annual dinner, held at the American Legion in Rhinebeck. Firematic Officers are: Chief, Rich Kipp; 1st Assistant, Kevin Denu; 2nd Assistant, Gary Bassett; Captain, Craig Bassett; 1st Lieutenant, Chris Fraina. Rescue Squad Officers are: Captain, Tim Conklin;1st Lieutenant, Rob Tourtelot; 2nd Lieutenant, Matt Bourne. Executive Officers are: President, Jim Conklin; Vice President, Susan Silverman; Secretary: Tim Conklin; Treasurer, Gary Bassett; Board Of Director, Dan Rushton.
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