The owners of the Teviot estate in Tivoli appear to be stonewalling the Red Hook planning board over questions about an unauthorized harvest of trees on the riverfront property.
Jann Wenner, co-founder of Rolling Stone magazine, and his partner, Matt Nye, had received a permit to cut 53 trees on their 62.9 acre estate, but a site visit by town planners in 2012 showed that many more had been removed along the cliffside facing the Hudson River. The property is within the 1,000 foot buffer zone on the river banks, where tree cutting and other threats of erosion are carefully monitored.
In July, Red Hook Zoning Enforcement Officer Bob Fennell wrote a letter to Wenner and Nye requesting a response to the town’s demands by July 19. According to the town planning office, no reply has ever been received. The board has repeatedly requested more detailed information on the extent of the tree cutting, such as the number and size of the trees, in order to create a mitigation plan.
Until the matter is resolved, Wenner and Nye’s request for a permit to cut 17 more trees and make other improvements on an adjacent 19-acre property at 245 Woods Road is on hold.
Planning board representatives confirmed that they have now turned the matter over to the town board. Requests for comment from the town board were not returned.
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