Village of Rhinebeck Planning Board
Phase 1 of the expansion of Thompson-Mazzarella Park at 68 W. Market Street, which includes a pavilion and site infrastructure, was approved by the planning board at its Nov. 19 meeting. The plans still need approval by the town planning board before they are officially approved.
Exterior renovations in historic district approved
Representatives for Samuel Speers at 8 South St requested planning board approval of exterior renovations to the property, which is located in the historic district overlay. They told the board that their client is out of the country, and that they are changing siding while maintaining the same colors and materials that have been used historically. They also want to enclose a deck on the backside of the building. The site plan was approved.
Crystal Lake Lodge property line alteration discussion continued
Plans to convert a single-family dwelling owned by Crystal Lake Lodge, Inc., at 6324 and 6346-6348 Mill Street. into a multi-family dwelling were before the planning board meeting as well. The board recommended a change to the property line and planned to continue to discuss the application at its next meeting on Dec. 3.
Village of Rhinebeck ZBA
Variance for higher fence in historic district discussed
Catherine Long, of 86 Montgomery St., went before the Rhinebeck village zoning board of appeals at its Nov. 21 meeting to ask for an area variance to install a 4-foot, 11-inch fence in her front yard. The fence is 11 inches higher than the maximum allowed. The planning board had voted a negative recommendation on the variance; however, the ZBA said their main concern was making sure that the fence was within Long’s property line, which abuts a state DOT right-of-way. A survey map was requested, as well as another picture of the fence. During the public hearing, the only public comment was a letter from a resident who stated her opposition to the fence for aesthetic reasons and in order to not set a precedent. The board agreed to make a decision, pending further information, at its Dec. 4 meeting.
Area variance granted for side yard setback on South Street
An area variance for side yard encroachment requested by Leslie Mc Neil of 25 South Street was granted by the ZBA. One neighbor, Frank Gaglio, wrote a letter supporting her application to screen in and roof a 17-by 13-foot portion of her 500 sq. foot deck.
United Methodist gets OK for day care use change
The Rhinebeck United Methodist Church received an approval for a change in non-conforming use from adult daycare to child daycare on its property at 83 East Market St. from the ZBA. A representative told the board the church was still weighing its options now that multiple possible tenants have contacted the church, including daycare program for seniors. The board agreed that if the seniors daycare program was chosen, the church would not have changed its current non-conforming use and would likely not need a new site plan. The board granted the possible change in use, should the church choose child daycare, conditioned on planning board review of possible expanded parking at the site.
Town of Rhinebeck Planning Board
Zoning district revise on Ackert Hook Road considered
The town planning board at its Nov. 18 meeting asked town planner Art Brod to draft a report on a zoning amendment that was brought to the town board as a petition by John McGuire of 40-42 Ackert Hook Road. The amendment would change the zoning district for a group of homes in the area around Ackert Hook Road and Route 9 and give them the same zoning overlay as the Sepascot Village area in order to make them conforming in their zone. The change would affect 39 parcels on 70-80 acres and would allow subdivision of two of the 5-acre lots within the area under consideration, including McGuire’s. The planning board will review the report and vote at its next meeting, Dec. 16, on its recommendation to the town board, which has final say.
Park expansion approval to be drafted
The planning board also agreed to draft a resolution approving the Phase 1 site plan for the Thompson-Mazzarella Park expansion and planned to discuss it and possibly vote on it at their next meeting Dec. 16 at 6:30pm.
Mill Road lot line alteration approved
A lot line alteration at 215 Mill Road, applied for by Stephen and Pamela Mensch, which would affect 7.32 acres, was the subject of a public hearing at the planning board. After one comment of support from a neighbor, the planning board and conservation advisory board agreed the change “made perfect sense,” and it was approved.
Hill Top Road lot line alteration approved
Another lot line alteration, this time between John Imperato of Hill Top Road and Frank and Kathleen Robusto, was also approved after some discussion and a public hearing. Imperato intends to subdivide an existing parcel into two parcels of 5.987 acres and 92.113 acres, but to do so needs to provide road access to the smaller parcel. This will be accomplished by a land swap between the Robustos and Imperato. After some discussion, the board approved the change.
Old Post Road lot line adjustment set for public hearing
Paul Matthies of 114 Old Post Road went before the planning board to discuss merging two lots, totaling 13.66 acres, a move that is classified as a minor subdivision. A neighbor who owns an adjoining parcel of 10.26 acres would like to purchase a 3.4 acre lot owned by Matthies, but wants the lot line adjustment completed before the sale closes. A public hearing on the application will be held on Dec. 16 at 6:40pm.
Town of Rhinebeck ZBA
Public hearings set for Route 308, Old Farm Road setback variances
The Rhinebeck town Zoning Board of Appeals at its Nov. 21 meeting considered an application by Sung Lee of 270 Route 308 for a side yard setback variance from 50 feet to 10 feet. Lee told the board he owns an adjacent lot and intends to combine the two in the future but in order to put on an addition to his house, he must have the variance. The board set a public hearing on the application for its Dec. 4 meeting at 7:35pm. Peri and Marcus De Grazia of 15 Old Farm Road also requested an area variance, from 100 feet to 89 fee, in order to construct a 2-3 car garage. The ZBA set a public hearing on the application for its Dec. 4 meeting at 7:40pm.
Public hearing set for privacy fence in Rhinecliff
Darin Page, of 20 Hutton Street, Rhinecliff, requested an area variance from the ZBA in order to construct a 10-foot privacy fence, which is four feet above the maximum allowed by the code. The fence will be double stockade and the owners plan to plant vines and shrubs around it. The ZBA set a public hearing on the application Dec. 4 at 7:45pm.
Mill Road frontage reduction set for approval
An application for an area variance for reduced road frontage, from 400 feet to 60 feet, was the subject of a public hearing at the ZBA meeting. The Ryan, Shaw, and Kaiser families, all parties to the application, have an application before the planning board for a lot line alteration to an existing subdivision.
The main lot has an existing, non-conforming 378.18 feet of frontage on Mill Road. The application would allow the second lot to be buildable by altering the lot line so that the 31.11-acre lot would retain 318.18 feet of road frontage, and a second 10.39-acre lot would have 60 feet of frontage in order to accommodate a driveway where an existing tractor path exists.
Several neighbors wrote in support of the application and the ZBA closed the public hearing. The area variance was expected to be approved by the ZBA at a special meeting Nov. 26. Another public hearing on the lot line alteration before the planning board was continued to its Dec. 16 meeting at 6:35pm.
Town of Red Hook Planning Board
Proposed plumbing business gets public hearing
A public hearing was held at the Red Hook planning board meeting Nov. 18 for the application of Plimpton and Hills Corporation for a proposed plumbing, heating and HVAC business at 7311 S. Broadway, site of the former NAPA auto parts store. Engineer Mark Graminski and business owner Calvin Hills were present to discuss the application.
The project is planned in two phases, the first to renovate the existing building and remove some of the existing asphalt in order to comply with zoning regulations. Phase 2 will start at a later, undetermined date and would involve construction of the showroom and upstairs apartments.
Although the board appeared pleased that the plans comply with regulations for the new TND-CC district, in which the property is located, most of the compliance appears to take place in Phase 2. For example, planting more trees along the roadway and creating a pedestrian-friendly site.
The board closed the public hearing after no comments were offered and declared a negative declaration of environmental concerns as part of the required SEQR process.
The application will return to the board’s Dec. 2 meeting for possible site plan approval, pending review by the town engineer and fire department, among others.
Town of Milan ZBA
Cease-and-desist order upheld
Rufflands, LLC, of 166 Milan Hill Road, requested an interpretation from the zoning board of appeals at their Nov. 20 meeting in an effort to fight a cease-and-desist order issued by the Zoning Enforcement officer Sept. 16. The order came after neighbors reported that weddings were being held at the site. Rufflands appealed to the ZBA to find a use in the code that would permit the property to be used as a wedding venue. After consideration, the ZBA motioned to uphold the cease-and-desist order.
Area variance for subdivision allowed
Patrick Barrett, of 6-15 Barrett Lane, off Fitzsimmons Road, was granted an area variance by the ZBA. Currently, there are two non-conforming houses on the lot, which were built in the 1950s before the current zoning. In order to subdivide the existing lot with one house on each lot, Barrett had to obtain the variance for 300-foot minimum lot width in zone A3A where his property is located, 137.18 feet for lot 1 and 187.29 feet for lot 2. His subdivision application now goes back to the planning board for final approval.
Pool variance OK’d
The ZBA granted a variance requested by Kenneth Dell of 99 South Road so that he could locate a pool in front of his house. The pool is within the required setbacks for the property; normally no accessory structures are allowed in front of a house in that zone.
Town of Clinton Planning Board
Variance proposed for Sunset Trail storage barn
Joseph and Shari Jordan of 84 Sunset Trail were before the planning board Nov. 19 to request a recommendation to the zoning board of appeals (ZBA) for a variance. The Jordans plan to build a 24-by-36 foot storage barn in the rear of their property to store equipment such as a tractor and boat. The desired site requires a side yard variance of 20 feet, instead of the required 50 feet. The board approved a positive recommendation to the ZBA.
Subdivision awaits county review
A two-lot subdivision for 27-37 Stissing View Road, owned by Nancy Packes, was before the planning board for sketch plan review. The plans await county approval for a new driveway permit. Packes is expanding an existing barn to create a residence and the new driveway is part of county requirements; however the driveway only has to be approved and Packes said she has no intention of installing one at this time. The application is held up because the county cannot approve a new driveway due to the 55 mph speed limit on Stissing View Road and inadequate sight distance.
No action was taken and the application was expected to come up for a public hearing at the Jan. 7 meeting.
Correction: In the above Village of Rhinebeck ZBA item on a fence variance, printed in the Dec. 4 issue, a letter opposing the application was submitted by the Village Tree Commission chairwoman, but she was speaking as an individual, not for the commission.
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