As it has done for several years, New York State will continue to provide road repair funds under its Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) for Hyde Park roads in need of repair.
According to Highway Superintendent Walt Doyle, “The town should receive about the same amount, of $191,000, in 2014 as it did this year.”
If that is the case, the town could realize a boost in its highway fund balance, because the Town Board has budgeted only $150,000 in its revenue, which will allow the highway department to add Pine Woods Road and Partridge Hill Road to the list of streets to be repaved through 2015.
Doyle presented his list of renovation needs to the Town Board at its Dec. 2 meeting.
With the $191,000 from CHIPS money, Doyle expects to complete renovations on White Oaks Road at a cost of $115,000, and to start work on Mill Road, which he calls “the worst road in town,” with the remaining $75,000. He added that a total of $133,000 is needed to completely resurface Mill Road.
CHIPS funding has been a major source of revenue for upkeep of streets and roads in local municipalities for several years.
In a related highway subject, Doyle advised the board that he is considering a Hyde Park School District request to place reduced speed signs on South Cross Road, in the vicinity of the FDR High School, following a recent accident in that area. The current speed limit there is 30 mph.
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