Town of Hyde Park Planning Board
After a public hearing, the planning board on Jan. 15 unanimously approved the Culinary Institute of America’s request for a second 100-day extension for site plan review of a new hotel and conference center proposed for its property at 1946 Campus Drive. One resident spoke in favor of the proposed hotel and conference center.
Sign permit approved for Awesome Country move
The planners reviewed and then approved a request by Rock Ledge Plaza owner Christian Meyer for a sign permit for local business Awesome Country, which is moving there from its previously location in Haviland Plaza. The board approved the sign with a unanimous vote, with one member absent.
Town of Hyde Park Zoning Board of Appeals
Violet Ave. Mobil requests more, larger signs
Scott Parker, an employee of CPD Energy, the company that owns the Chestnut Mobil Mart, at 1110 Violet Avenue, presented three signage requests for the station at the board’s Jan. 22 meeting.
The first is an application for an area variance to change a free-standing sign area from 30 sq. ft. to 60 sq. ft., even though the allowable maximum is 30 sq. ft., and to increase its height from 7 ft. to 21.75 ft., even though 7 ft. is maximum allowed. In addition, CPD wants to increase the existing 10 inch-lettering to 24 inches. Although 10 inches is maximum allowed, the planning board can grant an additional inch up to 24 inches for every 20 feet that a wall sign is set back from the primary access to the roadway.
A second request concerns the definition of the term “canopy,” and asks whether the side of the free-standing structure over the fueling islands could be considered a wall (if so, the type of variances requested could change).
The third request seeks an an interpretation on whether a proposed blue band extending beyond the word Mobil on the roof valance is considered part of the sign area and if it is, would a variance for changing the color be required.
Board chair Mary Donoghue told Parker that the gas station currently has three neon signs, but only one is allowed. Parker replied that two would be taken down until CPD decides whether to submit another variance application.
The ZBA set a public hearing for each of the three requests at the Feb. 26 meeting.
Deck enlargement approved for 502 Cedar Lane
Following a public hearing, at which no one spoke, the board approved an application for a deck variance by Felicia LaForgia of 502 Cedar Lane, in Staatsburg. The variance allows a change in deck size from 6 ft. to 25ft. wide, with an overall measurement of 19×25 ft., and also allows construction within the 100 foot-protection corridor for the Indian Kill, changing the undisturbed corridor from the required 100 ft. to 95 ft.
Front, side yard setback approved for 12 Rogers Pl.
Arthur and Wendy Gross of 12 Rogers Place went to the board seeking a variance to change a front yard setback from 50 ft. to 28 ft. so they could add width and depth to their front porch, including stairs, and to change a side yard setback from 20 ft. to 17 ft., so that they can expand the width of their side porch. The variance was unanimously approved by the board.
Town of Clinton Zoning Board of Appeals
Stissing View lot division variance extension approved
Nancy Packes’s application to subdivide her existing 26-acre lot at 27-37 Stissing View Road into two parcels was again before the board for discussion at their Jan. 23 meeting. Packes plans to turn an existing barn into her primary residence, to be located on one lot and to keep the current primary residence as a guest house on the second lot. A primary residence, caretaker’s cottage and barn are the existing structures on the property at this time. In order to subdivide, each lot must be approved for a driveway even if no driveway will be installed. Packes is still waiting on the county’s Department of Public Works for that approval.
Meanwhile, an area variance granted in February 2013 is set to expire next month so Packes requested an extension and after some discussion the board agreed on six months. The variance would allow for the demolition of two accessory structures, at least one of which has already been demolished, and expansion of the barn into a dwelling; it was originally granted in 2007. A public hearing on the application was opened and closed with no public comment, except for a letter from one neighbor who saw no negative effects on the neighborhood. The board unanimously approved the variance extension.
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