Arbor Day & Earth Day celebrations in Red Hook, Rhinebeck

The Town of Red Hook Tree Preservation Commission will be celebrating Arbor Day and Earth Day on Sat., April 26 at Town Hall.

Along with free brochures on tree planting and care, bare-root tree seedlings will be given out free at the event, which will run from 10am to 2pm. There will also be potted trees offered for a suggested donation, along with a spring basket of goodies to be raffled off. Complimentary edible tree cookies, donated by Terry’s Bakery, will be available.

In addition, a tree dedication ceremony for long-time retired superintendent George Hildenbrand will take place on Fri., April 25 at 1:30pm with a reception at the highway building. Another tree will be dedicated to Johanna Moore at the Recreation Park pavilion on Sat., April 26 at 10am for her years of service to the park’s summer children’s activities.

Town Supervisor Sue Crane will deliver the dedication remarks and County Legislator Micki Strawinski will read the Proclamation. A volunteer crew will plant street trees at the Rec Park pool center, and all volunteers will be recognized at a Town Hall luncheon that day.

In Rhinebeck, the Village Tree Commission will celebrate Arbor Day May 3, when volunteers are needed to help plant 28 trees. From 9am until 1pm, the planting will take place, rain or shine, in the Stortini Development as well as other locations in the south end of the Village.

Those interested in helping should park at the Chancellor Livingston Elementary School, and bring gloves and a shovel and other equipment if you have it to lend. Families are welcome.

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