I was recently the recipient of a private name/private number robocall from the chairman of the Dutchess County Legislature, Robert G. Rolison. I’m so deeply offended because the purpose of the call was to smear Terry Gipson by claiming Gipson was responsible for the regressive and egregious resurrection of the Dutchess County energy tax. Rolison seems to think that Dutchess County residents will swallow his bald-faced lies and that we are dumb enough not to realize that Gipson is a State Legislator and that the Dutchess County energy tax is completely the brainchild of county wheeler-dealers Marc Molinaro and himself. Just a few weeks ago, I was in Terry Gipson’s Albany office to campaign for campaign finance reform but the nasty county energy tax, of course, came up. As I write this, I understand the tax will somehow be avoided, but nevertheless it is abundantly clear what stinkers Marky Molinaro and Robby Rolison are. It’s not OK to lie, boys. You should both have your mouths washed out with soap.
Dan Peterson
Red Hook
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