Put May 27 on your calendar if you are looking to grieve your property assessment in Red Hook, Rhinebeck, Milan, or Hyde Park, and May 28 if you’re in Clinton.
State-wide, the assessment grievance day is normally held on the fourth Tuesday of May, but because Clinton shares an assessor with another town, their hearing day is May 28 from 4-8pm at town hall.
In Red Hook, the Board of Assessment Review will hold grievance hearings at town hall from 4-6pm and from 6:30-8pm. In Rhinebeck, hearings will be held at town hall from 10am-12pm, 2-4pm and 6-8pm. Milan will hold hearings at town hall from 10am-12pm, 1-4:30pm and 6-8pm. In Hyde Park, grievance hearings will take place at town hall from 9am-12pm and from 6-8pm. Residents should drop forms off in person but do not need to stay to speak to the board unless they wish to do so. At all locations, an answer will be sent by mail and will not be available that day.
There is no cost to challenge an assessment and you don’t need a lawyer. You do need Form RP-524, which can be found, along with other instructions, on the state’s tax department website: www.tax.ny.gov. For more information, call your assessor’s office.
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