The Dutchess County Fair Exhibitor Handbook is now available online, and registering for the hundreds of classes and competitions at the 2014 Fair can be done completely electronically.
“We are happy to announce that you can not only view the handbook online, but you are able to register and pay the nominal fees for the classes from your computer,” said Entry Superintendent Samantha Miller.
Exhibit categories include: vegetables, flowers, quilts, crafts, baked goods, antiques, loads of children’s crafts, art projects and much more. Livestock including: sheep, goats, horses, llamas, dairy cows, beef cattle, rabbits and chickens are also well represented in classes on Livestock Hill. Most entries have an Aug. 1 deadline in order to compete, but there are exceptions (such as vegetables, flowers and field crops), so you should refer to the handbook for all deadlines and additional rules and regulations. For those without a computer, the Exhibition Handbook is also available at Town Hall in almost all the area towns and villages, as well as the Clinton and Starr Libraries, Mac’s Agway in Red Hook, and at the Fairgrounds.
This year’s fair will held Aug. 19-24 at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck. The Fair’s website, www.dutchessfair.com, also offers advance tickets for $12 ($15 at the gate). Ride tickets can be purchased for $10 for 20 rides. Seniors and military with valid ID are $10 each day. Children under 12 are admitted free each day.
For more information, call 845-876-4000 or visit the Dutchess County Fairgrounds website at www.dutchessfair.com.
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