If you are beginning to think about the choices you’ll be faced with as you age, head to Coppola’s Restaurant Sept. 17 for a free planned aging seminar held by Dutchess County Hospice and HealthQuest.
The seminar will help attendees start the important process of discussing, determining and executing a plan for themselves and their loved ones. It will feature an interactive panel discussion with local professionals from multiple fields on important topics including: health care choices, assisted living, skilled nursing, long term care options, finances, and legal concerns.
Moderated by Tim Massie, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs at HealthQuest, panelists will address the potential struggles facing thousands of families in the area, using real-world examples.
“This forum will help people think about issues that need to be addressed but are often avoided, whether it’s for our parents, other loved ones, our friends, or ourselves. Planning allows for better decision-making, rather than having the stress of the moment lead to a rushed decision that is not well-thought out or does not reflect the wishes of the person for whom we are caring,” Massie said in a news release.
Richard Trocino, president and CEO of Hudson Valley Hospice, said in the release that the panelists would reflect the interdisciplinary approach HVH uses when addressing the complex planning issues families face. As part of its mission, HVH provides community education on a number of end-of-life topics to the medical community and the public at large.
The seminar is sponsored by Rondout Savings Bank. The bank’s president and CEO, Jim Davenport, said in the news release that he sees the event as a way to connect with the local community. “We are pleased to sponsor this free event that promises to provide guidance to important concerns we all share. We hope to see you there,” he said.
The event will start at 5pm with hors d’oeuvres and beverages at Coppola’s Restaurant on Albany Post Road. Attendance is limited; to reserve a spot, call Kelly Caldwell at Rondout Savings Bank at 845-229-0383 or email kcaldwell@rondoutsavings.com by Fri., Sept. 12.
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