Red Hook’s Linden Avenue Middle School was originally called the Red Hook Central School when it opened on Sept. 6, 1939, ending the era of the one-room schoolhouse in Red Hook. This photograph of an art class in a Red Hook classroom was taken circa 1900 by Harriet Martin Dey, a town resident. A one-room schoolhouse display can be viewed in the Mill Road school lobby and will be rotated to other schools. A Raiders history display is also installed at the high school to commemorate the anniversary. An unattributed editorial in a Red Hook Advertiser newspaper clipping from 1939 shows that local residents saw the new school as part of a larger period of societal change: “Our quest for happiness and security is the same as our forefathers’ a century ago. Civic pride is strong today—as it was in yesteryear. We still know that anything worth having is worth working for…The community is proud of the structure that will house those endeavors to further their opportunities in life.”
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