The Village of Red Hook has a new mayor who is very familiar with what a hurricane can do to a town and its residents.
“I spent my career in the property insurance claims business and witnessed the damage storms can do to entire communities,” stated Mayor Ed Blundell.
In advance of the storm, Village officials sprung into action well ahead of the threat. By end of day Thursday, the village had already rented and installed backup generators for the water supply system well ahead of the market run on generators later that week. All highway and police vehicles and all equipment were topped off with fuel and portable radios were secured so highway, police, fire and village officials could all communicate.
“Sunday went smoothly. Aside from some ponding in one low lying area at the east end of the village, the lack of streams and well-drained soils prevented more widespread problems,” stated Blundell. “But later in the day after the sun came out we had heavy gusts that knocked down enough limbs to cut power in the village.” But the generators kicked in and the water supply and command center operations were not interrupted.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has triggered disaster assistance to residents, businesses and that includes potential reimbursement for some government costs. “We are compiling our costs and will file as the process allows. Residents with damage should go to the FEMA site and get info,” recommended Blundell.
“With Hardscrabble Day coming up on September 24th we are quite grateful that our village infrastructure remains intact,” noted Mayor Blundell. “We are looking to join forces with the Dyson Foundation and do some fundraising to support other residents in the region who were not so fortunate.”
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