At its regular business meeting this past Tuesday, the Town Board considered several items and resolutions:
- They approved a resolution to refer the Greig’s Farm Airstrip application to the New York State Department of Transportation. Pending approval from the DOT, the matter will next be moved to the Town Planning Board. The planning board is required to hold a public hearing on the airstrip before ruling.
- They authorized town committees to create official Facebook pages Committee members hope that by using social media they will be better able to inform the public about their projects and deliberations.
- A march 13th public hearing was set to consider new flooding danger maps provided by FEMA. The FEMA maps are used in regulation construction in flood zones and in negotiating flood insurance. The information should be published on the Town website shortly.
- They decided that the Town’s employee Medical Insurance plan should be continued for another year, rather than choosing a new plan. See full article.
- They accepted a Recreation Committee suggestion that a $5 per participant fee will be collected from Red Hook Recreational Park sports leagues. See full article.
- They discussed the formation of the Conservation Easement Review Committee. The purpose of the committee will be to review a proposal to end the town’s term easement program. The formation is in response to a public outcry following an attempt to repeal the program without sending it to a land use committee.
- They discussed cutting two positions from the Zoning Board of Appeals, reducing the ZBA to a five member board. The resolution was tabled due to an absent Council Member. See full article.
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