500+ lot Durst/Carvel project returns to Milan and Pine Plains

The Pine Plains Town Board has scheduled a meeting for Carvel’s presentation of their New Neighborhood Development (NND) zone petition. The project would construct more than 500 homes on the Milan/Pine Plains border.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 14th at 7pm at the Heart of Pine Plains Community Center (2nd floor of the new library building), 7775 South Main Street (aka Route 82). The entrance is at the rear of the building.

This meeting will be a joint Town Board and Planning Board meeting and the public is encouraged to attend. Please note that this meeting is not a public hearing.

In the coming weeks the town will be making a number of decisions including:

  • Does the Town Board want to entertain the proposal at all? This will require amending the zoning law to allow increased density in the rural district.
  • If so, which board will be lead agency in the review?
  • Is this a new proposal that must start from scratch or a revision of the earlier one originally submitted in 2003?
  • Will the environmental review (SEQR) pick up where it left off prior to the zoning being adopted?

If the Town Board doesn’t want to entertain the proposal, the Durst Organization will need to file a new application that is in compliance with the rural district zoning.

The NND application can be read online on the Carvel Development Website.

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