The following details are provided by the county authority that would oversee the proposed sewer district if the referendum on Friday, April 8 is successful.
How much will the sewer system cost to construct?
The total project cost is estimated at $8.1 million. Of this total, $3.59 million will be funded by State and Federal grants. The remaining cost of $4.5 million will be funded by a thirty year, 0% interest loan from New York State.
Where will the wastewater treatment plant be located?
The existing Red Hook Commons Sewer Plant will be acquired by the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority (DCWWA) and expanded to serve the proposed Sewer District. The existing plant is located on a 12.4 acre parcel of land off of Laura Lane.
How much will I pay for sewer service?
All property owners in the proposed District outside of Red Hook Commons will pay an annual capital cost (or assessment) to pay for the cost of building the sewer system. For a single family residence or small commercial property, the annual capital cost will be $395. Large commercial properties that produce more wastewater will pay a higher capital cost proportional to the amount of water used.
Residents within the Red Hook Commons will not pay a capital cost (or assessment) in recognition of the value of the existing wastewater treatment plant and land being donated to the district, and because no additional sewer collection mains need to be installed within Red Hook Commons.
Once connected to, and receiving service from the new sewer system, all customers will be billed sewer usage charges quarterly to pay for the cost of operating the sewer system. A typical single family residence or small commercial property will pay about $370 per year. Large properties that produce more wastewater will pay a proportionally higher capital cost.
There will be a one-time inspection fee of $200 charged at the time a property connects to the sewer line, to make sure the connection has been completed and will work properly.
How much will I pay if I don’t connect to the sewer system?
All property owners will pay the annual capital cost ($395 for a typical property) whether or not they connect to the sewer system.
Why was a “low pressure” sewer collection system with grinder pumps selected for this project?
The proposed sewer service area is predominately flat which would have required many pumping stations or very deep pipe to complete a traditional gravity sewer system. Either solution would be very costly and would have caused disruptions to the commercial center’s day to day operations. The combination of right sized grinder pumps installed at each property, combined with small diameter pipes will allow the project to overcome these challenges at a significantly lower cost.
Who is responsible for installing the grinder pump for my property?
The DCWWA will install a properly sized grinder pump, and a lateral line connecting the grinder pump to the sewer main, for each property in the district. Prior to installing the grinder pump and the line, the property owner will be required to sign an easement agreement with the DCWWA. The easement will give the DCWWA the right to enter the property solely for the purpose of installing and maintaining the grinder pump.
Where will my grinder pump be located?
As part of the engineering design process, DCWWA representatives will meet with each property owner to review the optimal location for the grinder pump.
Who is responsible for connecting my existing plumbing to the grinder pump?
Each property owner will be responsible for connecting their existing plumbing to the grinder pump. Property owners will also be responsible for providing an electrical connection for the grinder pump.
How much will it cost me to connect to the grinder pump?
The average cost for a property owner to connect to the grinder pump and provide the electrical connection is estimated at $500. This cost will vary property by property. As stated above, once the connection is installed, the DCWWA will inspect the connection to make sure it has been done properly. There will be a $200 inspection fee charged by the DCWWA.
Who is responsible for the grinder pump electrical connection?
Each property owner is responsible for the connection between the grinder pump and the existing building electrical service.
What is the average yearly electrical cost to operate a unit servicing the typical single family home?
A typical single family home will use 250 gallons of water per day. The standard grinder pump for a home will consume about 200 KWh of electricity per year. Check your utility bill for the cost per kilowatt hour in your area. For example, if you pay 11 cents per kilowatt hour: $0.11 KWh x 200 KWh = $22.00 per year cost of electricity to operate the grinder pump.
How long will the construction of the sewer system take?
Once the sewer district is in place and all funding has been received, it will take about 18 months for the detailed sewer design to be completed, and to obtain all required permits. Actual construction will take about 12 months to complete.
Will roads be torn up and access to my property be affected by the construction?
A significant benefit of low pressure sewer systems is that they are installed by methods such as directional drilling instead of traditional open trench excavation. Some excavation will still be needed for the sending and receiving pits for the directional drilling machines. But overall the amount of property disturbance is significantly reduced allowing business’s to maintain day to day operations with less interruption.
When and where will the Sewer District Referendum take place?
The public referendum on the proposed sewer district will take place on April 8th from 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM at the Red Hook Town Hall
Who is eligible to vote in the Sewer District Referendum?
Registered voters who live within the proposed district are eligible to vote in the referendum. If you have any questions about your eligibility to vote, ability to use an absentee ballot, or other questions about voting in the referendum, contact the County Board of Elections at (845) 486-2473.
View the full list and get further details at Red Hook Sewer Project.
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